Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Decaffeinated teas and coffees can count towards the goal level, but beverages that contain caffeine can not.
Aim to intake at least 2 whole fruits a day. A variety of fruits (structure and color) should be consumed as well.
Consume at least 4 servings of vegetables a day. A variety of colored vegetables should be selected as well. Aim to have at least 2 servings of green vegetables, 1 serving of orange vegetables and 1 serving of red vegetables each day. White and yellow vegetables should be included when available.
Consume plenty of fiber, 25 to 35 grams a day. Sources of fiber include whole grains, bran, vegetables, legumes and fruits.
They soy products you consume should be rich in isoflavones. Aim to have at least 1 meal a day that includes soy rather than animal protein. Consumption for soy protein should be at least 25 grams a day yielding 40 mg of total genistein compounds.
Low in fat
Fat should be kept to 20% of your diet each day. The sources of the 20% fat should be of monounsaturated fats such as olive oil. Saturated fats should be kept to a minimum.
Sample Meal Plan